On Amazon, the seller Medicomat sells ” inferior” products as ISHA, but for sky high prices.
The same products ? Well NO, our systems, hard and software are way HIGHER developed
and can do MUCH more !
And you will get 10 up to 20 times more value for your money !
Jusk ask anyone of our satisfied professional users in over 152 countries …. 🙂
Pricing differences ……. don’t be shocked !
Medicomat sells The Hunter between 6.300,-$ and up to 9.950,00$ !!
*ISHA sells the same Hunter for 2-3 times lower and more newest software, service and
a 100% guaranteed installation worldwide working for …. FREE !
And ours is the ONLY *multi supported system wich runs ALL Meta, 8D’s, 3D , all …..
Proof ? Look here for live real proof on Amazon, just search medicomat
We at ISHA sell the newest 3D NLS for 40% less AND NEWEST devices and software (not old inferior stuff)
+ worldwide FREE installation checkup for a 100% guaranteed working !!
And we have a 3D-8 wich also supports future 8D…
So what is honest pricing ……. and do not forget, support, warranty, masterclasses, extended warranty etc. by ISHA.
*Another example of a competitor in Africe is http://rifehealth.co.za.www34.jnb2.host-h.net/index.php
Who does sell a OLD 3D for 1200 US $ with a dedicated support team worldwide ?
At ISHA only 50% less for the newest.