
*Price is included worldwide shipping!

ISHA RIFE – SPOOKY & NLS HEALTH MAT – Treatments while you sleep and rest !
KILL the bugs while you sleep !

For humans and animals.

FANTASTIC for Therapists treating many cliënts in THEIR Clinics.
(my friend a medical doctor neurologist paid from a competitor 895,=)

The ISHA pad is the first succesful attempt to develop a portable antenna for use with a Rife Health & NLS
(3D-8D-Hunter) devices.

The ISHA RIFE – SPOOKY & NLS Treatment MAT, is useful for those who needs a treatment while travelling or while sleeping. Or for animals (horses, dogs, cats, etc).

The ISHA Rife&NLS Electro-magnetic Mat is an accessory to the Rife & NLS models to create radiant energy. It can also be described as an antenna. It’s antenna wiring is protected in a special material cover. One can either sit or lay on it. One however do not have to be in direct contact with the mat.

It can be used by any Rife machine, Spooky, NLS, 3D, 8D, Hunter
(you need the converting cables from your spooky kit, bnc to stereo etc.)


It radiates a healthy energy field in a vortex of about 1,5 meter around the mat. Because of this radiance it can be hanged in a room or placed on a table in a room to treat people or even animals in its vicinity. Ideally suited for creches, kennels and piggeries.

The mat is ideally suited to treat back pain and sport injuries.


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